Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Day two.

No Caffeine yet. I did get cookies from Jewel (across Touhy from Shure) so I was using a bit of sugar to keep awake. That's non-ideal.

I did get to sleep at a reasonable hour last night, so I wasn't too tired this morning. It took me 36 minutes to get to work today. I took Oak Park, Narragansett, Nagle, Touhy. I'm expecting this time to drop even more as I perfect the route.

Work went well. Still learning the ropes. Software not all working yet. Got to use a light table today to compare two huge schematics. (Several feet by several feet in size.) I found my first two bugs. A missing ground connection, and a missing connection to a power monitor circuit. I think I've earned my salary for the week with those too. It'll probably save a board spin.

I signed the mortgage at lunch. I realized that I won't get the check till Monday because of the three day waiting period. What a pain. I have to keep telling Eric to be patient about cashing the check I gave him. What a pain.

Ate pizza and played piano/guitar with Mike. Pray to St Anthony that he finds his chain that he has worn for the last ten years around his neck. (Side note... also pray I can find the piece of the Bible that I'm missing.)

Went through some of the paperwork I need to review tonight. I think I'm going to go with Blue Cross's cheaper HMO plan. It covers most stuff at 100% and is only slightly more expensive than the Shure plan that covers at 80% with higher deductables. I don't plan on using it, but the incremental benefit seems worth it. I'll have to ask some people about that at work.

It seems my dental plan is going to be going up quite a bit. I'm definitely subsidizing other people's dental work, considering I've had no charges for dental work or cleaning for the last five years. I've only gone once, last week, and my dentist friend did not charge me, and advised me not to bother filling the one cavity I do have.


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