Saturday, March 12, 2005

Missed Pete's Bachelor Party.

I'm a wreck this week. I feel sore like I'm getting sick, but I don't really think I'm getting sick. I think I'm not getting enough sleep. Tomorrow I have soccer and an all day Irish party. I'm still not sure if I'm going to make an exception to my no alcohol lent or not. I have been putting off a lot of preparation that I should be doing this weekend for a "special event" on Monday... that will not be described in detail.

I have been putting off my taxes.

I told Eric today (in an email) to not start any additional expensive obligations on the garage project, because I'm running out of money and want to make sure that the money goes where it is supposed to, and not toward extra things that I can delay.

I'm going to need to take up a lot of people on a lot of favors soon. I need to get insulation, dry wall, paint, cabinets, floor, trim, etc. done on the super cheap (ideally: no labor cost) in order to get this done without going into a ton of debt.

Anybody feel they owe me some serious hours of manual labor?

I think I've lost some of my usual confidence lately. I don't know wehre it's gone. I'm actually worried about my image and what I say and how I say it and lots of petty things that have never mattered to me. What's wrong with me?

My grandma turns 100 on Wednesday. She had a great party this weekend. One thing she said to me that I really liked hearing was: "I've never been sick." How awesome is that?

I hope I got her genes.

I talked to an unnamed friend today who looked very concerned about her increasing age. I'm not feeling it yet. I'll let you know when I really start feeling old. But I definitely know I'm not 21 any more.

P.S. Now that I'm back in the no-beard club, I'm also back on the single and available list. Anybody know any single Catholic women (or Catholic men who want to introduce me to their single friends?)... yo, hook me up already?!


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